Rare Albion 2
The world of finance as you never imagined it could be!
Sassoon Gallery
1 – 22 August 2015
In February 2014, Rare Albion 1 was staged at Strange Cargo Gallery in the Old High Street, Folkestone. In August 2015 Rare Albion 2 was staged at the Sassoon Gallery, Folkestone.
The idea was to take us into a world in which money and capital are understood very differently, a world where capital follows imagination, where money enables material needs to be met, where people are aware of how finance works – just like they were in the Renaissance.
The exhibition – more of an event – featured a range of exhibits, workshops and other media designed to bring the world of finance to life. Not as some oppressive, dismal place inhabited by grey-suited experts, but as the place where dreams can come to expression, initiatives can be taken, and people can find themselves and where they are on their journey in life.