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Economic life weaves between two kinds of value: the value of trade (one thing exchanged for another) and the value of culture (things done and funded for their own sake).


Folkestone has a real connection to this theme, running from the championing of accessible art for everyone by its post World War One MP, Philip Sassoon, to its present arts-led regeneration sponsored by Sir Roger de Haan.


But Britain more largely has a history of linking the arts and finance, as exemplified above all by the economist, John Maynard Keyes. A member of the Bloomsbury group and leading light behind what became the Arts Council, he used his knowledge as an economist and his skills as an investor to promote both performing and visual arts,. (The picture is Pommes, his stiil-life by Cezanne, now in the Fitzwilliam, Cambridge, which he brought through Folkestone at the end of WW1.)


Two Kinds of Value
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